Bonni3 Has A Hit Record On Her Hands And The Song Is Called “Paralyzed”

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Bonni3 recently only showed a mere snippet of a song she has titled “Paraylzed” Produced by GoodJohn Productions. This snippet has piqued a lot of interest from listeners both nationwide and internationally. Many are now anticipating this release. Let’s chat with the artist behind the song, Bonni3.

Interviewer:​ Hello Bonni3, so I guess let’s get into a little bit of who you are for new viewers and listeners.

Bonni3:​ Sure thing. Well I am an entrepreneur and music artist. Outside of music I do a lot of work with other brands with my business Christian Nicole Promotions.

Interviewer:​ Hm, okay. What’s that exactly? What’s Christian Nicole Promotion​s. How did that come about?

Bonni3:​ Christian Nicole Promotions started when I first began dabbling in music. Music costs a lot of money and I wasn’t making any money off of it, so I had to find a plan b that didn’t distract from music too much. I took my 2 middle names “Christian-Nicole” and turned it into my brand. Now I help others with PR services, music promotions, etc.

Interviewer:​ Wow that’s actually very interesting. That’s very cool. Also very smart of you. Okay, I’ve recently checked out your album too “Bonni3 No Clyde” very dope content and if you ask me America should be hearing your music today on the radio. With this new release of yours I did hear a piece of it, it’s different. What made you want to create a track like this one?

Bonni3:​ Good question. I know it’s out of the norm especially for people who have listened to me from 2014 to now. That’s honestly what I want. Although it’s different it’s still totally my sound and vibe. I think the song meshes my hip hop melodic vibe with my alternative rock ego very well. I wanted to create something that was timeless.

Interviewer:​ Very good. Can’t argue with that. How did you pair up with GoodJohn Productions?

Bonni3:​ Funny, One day I was randomly looking on YouTube for beats. I don’t even usually do that since I work with a few in-house producers. That day I was having a beer and singing a melody in my head and the song was giving me a Linkin Park vibe. As I’m scrolling through YouTube I can’t find anything… until I came across this instrumental and fell in love with it. It fit the song so well.

Interviewer:​ where did you record this record?

Bonni3:​ I recorded this with Evo The Producer at Repercussions studio in Philly.

Interviewer:​ how did you find this studio ? Is it your home base studio ?

Bonni3:​ actually not at all. I ran across them on google while looking for a new studio to record at. After trial and error of calling other studios I chose repercussions solely off of their professionalism. The studio is a plus! It’s a beautiful location.

Interviewer:​ Sounds like it was destined. We can’t wait to hear the full song. I can honestly say some of us are really anticipating this release. Thank you for chatting with us Bonni3!

Bonni3:​ Anytime! Thanks for having me!!

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