Sound Gems Records relaunch is big news


Talk about rare! Sound Gems Records has compiled 16 soul songs you’ve never heard (and maybe even some artists you don’t know) for Lost Soul Gems. It is an album of long lost songs from the 1970s that are both high quality and well preserved plus some new releases.

The two brightest “gems” are the previously-unreleased tracks by chart-topper William DeVaughn, Davante Devaughn , Bethan Wyn, but forgotten hits by Ebb Tide, The Charmetts, and Tommy McGee make for an album to be enjoyed by soul fans young and old.[ back links ,and]

Sound Gems Records founder Frank Fioravanti says, “Hit songs are hard to come by but when an intensely emotiotional story enters your mind with a extremely catchy hook that simply comes from heaven, you have a chance. It’s an era where singles rule, so it takes a very special album to compete. Lost Soul Gems is that album.